Is MT Photos free?

MT Photos server is charged and supports 1 month trial;

After the trial period ends, the server will stop scanning newly added files and the App will stop backing up new photos and videos;

The iOS and Android apps are free to use. Please see App Download for the download address;

Does it support multiple user use?

Support, you can add users in [User Management];

What types of photos and videos are supported?

Support photo formats: JPEG, HEIC, PNG, GIF, DNG, BMP, TIFF

Support video formats: MP4, MOV, M4V, M4A

For RAW photo support, see: Enable RAW Photo Support

After the Docker container is started, the page cannot be accessed

Please check the container logs to confirm that /config or /upload has write permissions in the container;

For more details, see Common Errors and Solutions

Click [Start Trial] and prompt that the authorization server cannot be accessed

Please check if the container has access to the external network

After the App enables backup, no photos are backed up

Please check if [Only Back Up New Photos] is selected when enabling backup

The shooting date is incorrect after importing photos

Please check if there is a shooting date in the exif information of the photo (how to view: on Windows, you can right-click to see the shooting date in details);

When there is no shooting date in the exif information of the photo, try to see if there is a date in the filename;

If the above two dates are not available, the software will try to recognize the date in the photo path and the last modified date of the photo;

For example, the following formats:

  • /MobileBackup/2021/01/09/a.jpg
  • /photos/2009-02-14/a.jpg
  • /photos/upload/IMG_20220810_171108.jpg
  • /photos/upload/20220810_171108_1.jpg
  • /photos/upload/IMG_20220810-171108.jpg

Or you can use tools like NewFileTime to batch modify the modification date of the photo, and then click [Scan Gallery] to update the date of the photo;

In summary: The shooting date priority of the photo is: exif shooting date in the information > date in the filename > last modified date of the file > date in the path

How to back up MT Photos data and files?

The data and files that need to be backed up in the container include the following categories:

    1. Database files, file location: /config/pgsql
    1. Generated thumbnails and other cache files, file location: /config/cache
    1. Photos uploaded by mobile apps and web clients, file location: /upload
    1. Photos imported through directory mapping, file location: custom

Note: These paths refer to paths within the container. For the paths on the host machine, please refer to the directory mapping relationship of each docker container.

1. Back up database files:

You can directly back up the files under /config/pgsql, or you can export a database backup file using pg_dump.

For the usage of pg_dump, please refer to the Advanced Guide-Other section "Back up and restore the database".

It is recommended to execute pg_dump regularly and then back up the corresponding files;

2. Back up cache files:

The thumbnails and other files in the /config/cache folder can be directly backed up the entire folder;

You can also choose not to back up. After the file is lost, you can re-generate thumbnails through the [Repair Thumbnails That Cannot Be Displayed] in the system maintenance tool.

3. Back up uploaded photos:

/upload folder, you can directly back up the entire folder;

4. Map directory imported photos:

Back up the folder where the photos are located

Will MT Photos collect private data?

Neither the app nor the server will collect any private data;


If you encounter problems during use, please send an email to support@mtmt.tech

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